Tuesday, September 28, 2010

You want to speak to me about spirituality?
I'll open your eyes so you can see.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


What does it mean to be seen?
To look deep into the green
Of another's eyes
To see past the facades,
To what lies
Deep within,
Beyond the mask
Of a silly grin
To that which is real,
The love
That one can feel
The energy that grows,
As one let's another in
And shows,
What no one else
Trembling with fear
Until one realizes
The other is a mirror
A reflection of light
That exists behind the eyes
Allowing one to soar like a kite,
As all fright
Is abandoned,
The pupils meet;
Love has landed
No  need to retreat
Away from the eyes
That fill one with surprise
As they look deeper and see
Divine Beauty.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Do not be afraid,
staying in the shade
out of the light
for fear of taking flight
scared It might
not be Real
a fantasy
Yet fantastically
It appears
before your face
there's no mistake
but you still must make
the choice
to follow the voice
or carry on
in your ignorance
disregarding your resemblance
to the Divine
doubting your potential
to become sublime.


The me has left
ceasing to be,
leaving behind divinity.
is all that IS
The I AM
is not man,
but nothing,
thus every being
finally seeing
how IT IS Love
what does it mean
to BE
to flow
becoming nothing
thus something
becoming real
to truly feel
that to BE
to exist
is bliss
if one
with what IS
which is ALL
listen to the music
the call
to fall
in tune
with the motion of the
with the churning of the sea
to BE
to flow
with THE
the only MI
for what is
but an ego
that leads to my
to me
disallowing one
to BE
to flow
to know
what is True
to see through
into the Beyond
a new dawn
to BE
to flow
in the world
which is Love,
for it IS,
The Divine.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Beauty in you. In Me.

The Beauty in you
is all that is true
for it is divine
as you become sublime
untouched by time
slipping away into what is real
the only thing
you can truly feel
the Love that is there,
if you search
you will find
an escape from the mind
heaven on earth
a re-birth
into the true you
the embodiment of love
you always knew
but forgot for awhile
yet with every authentic smile
you dial closer
 to that which is true
the authentic you,
this is your cue
to take the leap
to dive in deep
do not let fear keep
you astray
cast away
from that which you need,
the fire to feed
your spirit
please, do not fear It,
for It longs for you
 to let It knit
you into It's quilt of Love,
to learn to let go of the strife
and just BE
in love with the  Divinity
with ME.

Life is Love. 'Tis true.

When all falls away,
you are left with something final to say,
or nothing at all,
depending on where you stand,
in this world or the spiritual land,
for all here will disappear like sand,
slipping through your hand,
But not all is lost,
if you choose to toss
the material lots
and look towards a new day
where you will have one thing to say
which is simple but pure
it is the only thing certain
all else is unsure
but these words mean as much
as a human attempt can touch
what it means to BE,
one with the Divinity
I Love You,
although mere letters, they can be true
if sincere and clear,
you will see there is no need for fear
for Love is all that exists
all else is myths
hate a lack of this
for Love is the only Thing to be seen
unless blinded by your own being.

complexity is the root of simplicity

When I found what it Is, we all search for,
yes that distant unknown the so called unexplored,
I realized It was not so far away,
although it took much more than a day
to discover
I found It had always been my Lover
It was always there,
in my eyes in my hair
on every stair I took
every time I stumbled or shook,
with fear or began to tear,
I realized how dear
I am
to the Divine,
my best friend,
to my Lover in my every step,
allowing me to see the deepest depth,
to understand the cosmos,
allowing me to grow
to become
what was once undone
but now is found
for I am unbound
to illusions
to the delusions
that this world does create
but I have given myself up
to what some call Fate,
but I call Love
for the Divine is nothing more
than that which I wrote above.

For you. I believe you know who you are, you live on a distant shore, but not too far, for we gaze at the same star, for you came from the same womb to be sister to me.

When you look to the sky
do you wonder why? why?
yet, the answer is not so hard to find,
if you would peek out from where you hide.
and stop trying to abide by the popular tide
that takes you away
from finding your blissful day
that keeps you blind
a prisoner of the mind
rather than a follower of the heart.

But you kick and scream
swearing there is no Divine beam
of light
so you continue to fight
but getting nowhere
you start to wonder
if there is more to a roar of thunder
if there is more to that burning in your heart.

Yet you still resist
you insist that it cannot be true
and if so, why you?
but don't you see that this divinity
exists in everybody,
that Divine Love starts in the heart.